Shelter in Place
We are all, as a community, as families, as individuals feeling the stress of COVID-19 in our lives. Every part of our life is being impacted. School is out, the natives are restless and the walls feel like they are closing in. How do we stay connected, healthy and happy?
I wish I had the answers. My 6 year old is currently being homeschooled by The Magic School Bus (it's science, right?), my husband is having conference calls while we hot potato our increasingly active--and daring--1 year old and I am shuffling appointments around to try and accommodate clients as best as I can.
Be kind to yourself. It's great to take this time to deep clean your freezer OR you can Netflix and chill. You don't HAVE to be productive in your down time (if you have any). This too shall pass, and when it does, I hope we are all a little kinder, more patient and appreciative of the things and people we often take for granted.
Whether you are Spring Cleaning or binge watching Black Mirror, take care of yourself and your loved ones.